If you are not a member then you can still get on the water at YDSC as a temporary day member using your own equipment – boat, board or canoe, but only when the club is open during official club opening times. As a day member you cannot hire club equipment.
All craft kept or used at YDSC must be covered by third party insurance of at least £3,000,000 (Including, but not limited to, dinghies, windsurfers, kayaks, canoes and SUPs). See example providers below.
You must sign in before going on the water.
The registration station is next to the Galley in the Clubroom. Ask the staff for details.
Day Usage Fees
Full day | After 3pm | |
Double hander dinghy | £20 | £15 |
Single hander dinghy | £15 | £10 |
Windsurf / Canoe / SUP / Kayak | £15 | £10 |
Family* daily maximum charge | £40 |
* Family means up to to 2 adult parents/guardians, plus children under 18 or in full time education from the same household.
Dinghy racing usually takes place on Sundays, Wednesday evenings and occasionally Saturdays, but recreational water usage is still usually possible, as shown by “Recreational Watersports” in the Calendar. There are usually a few exceptions for certain events each year when it is not possible and these will be shown in the calendar. When it is allowed, please stay clear of the racing. There is usually safety boat cover when the club is open, but when there is not there must be at least two craft on the water and you should not be on the water unless you are competent and able to self rescue in the prevailing conditions. Buoyancy aids are required.
Outside of club opening times day usage is not permitted. Full club members may go on the water on a ‘Buddy Sailing’ basis, i.e. two or more members sailing two or more craft, by agreement, prepared to support each other as necessary. This is usually organised on one of our Facebook Groups. You must be a full club member to do this – it is not available to day members.
There are lots of 3rd party insurance providers for water craft. Examples are provided below, on a without predjudice basis, and no endorsement is implied.