Members can bring guests to the club. Guests are to be signed in by the hosting member in the register next to the Galley.
- Members are responsible for their guests whilst at the club.
- A member can invite up to a maximum of 3 guests in any one day.
- Guests are not permitted if the hosting member is not on site.
- Guests can use club hire equipment. The member is responsible for payment of any hire fees.
- An individual can attend as a guest a maximum of three times per year. After that, day usage fees apply
Members are reminded of the following in the Club’s Constitution:
4.1.7. A GUEST – shall be a person who accompanies a member. They shall be regarded as a Temporary Member for the duration of their visit to the Club.
6.4. Members are requested to enter the names of all guests in the Guest Record. Not more than three guests may be introduced in any one day unless approved by a Committee Member and the same guest may not be introduced more than three times in any calendar year. Subsequent visits shall be charged as a Day Visitor at the appropriate rate.
Limitation of Club Liability
7.1. Members, their guests, Temporary Members and Day Visitors are bound by the following Rules which shall also be included in relevant club forms and posted on the website:
7.1.1. Members of the club, their guests, Temporary Members and Day Visitors use the club premises, and any other facilities of the club, entirely at their own risk.
7.1.2. The club will not accept any liability for any damage to or loss of property belonging to members, their guests, Temporary Members and Day Visitors.
7.1.3. The club will not accept any liability for personal injury arising out of the use of the club premises or any other facilities of the club either sustained by members, their guests, Temporary Members or Day Visitors, or caused by the said members, guests, Temporary Members or Day Visitors, whether or not such damage or injury could have been attributed to, or was occasioned by, the neglect, default or negligence of any of them, the Officers, Committee or servants of the club.
7.2. Membership of the club and acceptance of these rules by a member will be deemed to constitute consent to the holding of relevant personal data for the purposes of the Data Protection legislation.