WhatsApp Groups

YDSC now uses a number of WhatsApp groups which are part of the YDSC WhatsApp Community. Members can request to be added and once you are part of the community you can opt to join any group. The current groups and their purpose are listed below.

To join, email your name and mobile number to .

  • YDSC Social Sailing – A Group for all social sailors at YDSC to make contact and to arrange to sail together.
  • YDSC Windsurfing/Wingsurfing Buddies – A specific group just for arranging Buddy Windsurfing and Wing Foiling. There’s a Social group for arranging Events and the Comms Room for discussing the match last night/ merits de-merits of the new Dune film vs the 1984 version, so please keep this just for buddy sailing arrangements.
  • YDSC Social Windsurfing – A group for chat about all things windsurfing at YDSC.
  • YDSC Improvers – <description needed>
  • YDSC Kayak/Canoe – <description needed>