Windsurfing Guide

Yorkshire Dales Sailing Club is used by dinghy sailors, windsurfers, foils, canoes, kayaks and SUPs. Windsurfing is usually possible either during the club opening hours when there is usually a safety boat on the water, or for members at other times so long as there are always two craft on the water looking out for each other – known as buddy sailing. Club opening times are Saturday and Sunday 10am to 5.30pm (March to November) and Sunday 10am to 4.30pm (December to March) plus Wednesday evenings from May to August. Any exceptions are published in the calendar. Dinghy racing usually takes place on Sundays, summer Wednesday evenings and occasionally Saturdays. When dinghy racing is occurring it is good manners to stay out of the way of the boats, especially when they are starting a race. Windsurfers often agree to sail at other times, and we often have the reservoir to ourselves, especially if it is windy. This is for members only and is usually organised via the windsurfing WhatsApp Group – contact for access. Day usage by non-members is possible, but only during club opening times and with your own equipment. All craft kept or used at YDSC (including, but not limited to, dinghies, windsurfers, foils, kayaks, canoes, SUPs) must be covered by third party insurance of at least £3,000,000. When on the water you should use a wetsuit and either a harness, a buoyancy aid or both.

SAFETY BOAT The safety boat is usually (but not always!) on duty when club is open (weather permitting). The safety boat is there for the benefit of windsurfers as well as dinghy sailors, so in summer at weekends in most instances it should be on duty from 10 am until 5pm, even if club racing has finished earlier. In Winter the safety boat may only be scheduled for Sundays. Check for a notification either on this site or Facebook / WhatsApp if it is expected to be cancelled. Note that the safety boat driver and crew may come in for lunch when the dinghy racers leave the water. You may wish to leave the water when they do if you are worried about your ability to self rescue. Remember that if the safety boat comes in there must be at least 2 craft on the water at all times.

ACCESS Keys are available from the membership secretary to allow access to the gate leading to the club. A key for access to the clubhouse can also be obtained. Both keys require a returnable deposit (currently £50 each). The club gate is usually kept open during club opening hours. If you are buddy sailing outside of these times then it should be left closed but not locked.

WATER RESTRICTIONS When sailing there are some ‘no go areas’ due to restrictions from Yorkshire Water. We must stay out of these areas or we risk losing the privilege of sailing at Grimwith. Sailing is allowed between the club house and the eastern end of the lake and between the club house and the far end of the dam at the western end. There is a line of buoys at the far end of the dam which should not be crossed. For further details see these maps. Access to the water is only permitted from the shoreline in front of the club grounds. Landing on the shore anywhere else, including the north side of the lake (opposite the club house) is not permitted except in emergencies. Sailing is possible all year only because we help Yorkshire Water with maintaining wildlife habitat. You might see requests to help “reed bashing” parties –  please come and join in if you want to have year round sailing continue (or if you just want to help the birds!). The quarry area next to the car park is also out of bounds during spring nesting season; signs will be posted during these times.

DOGS Dogs should be kept on a lead at all times if brought to the club. They are not allowed in the club house.

TRAINING Windsurf training and coaching is regularly available for beginner and intermediate windsurferssee the training section. In addition, training for advanced windsurfing is sometimes available and there are usually a number of clinics hosted.

WINDSURF REPS There are two windsurfing reps on the YDSC committee, currently Georg Gerrard and one vacancy. Please talk to her if you have any queries, ideas or feedback – even if it’s just to tell us we are getting something right! Because the club is for windsurfers, paddlers and sailors alike we would encourage you to mix, attend socials if that’s your thing and help with working parties. Working parties usually carry out maintenance in Autumn and Spring, eg. cleaning bioards, checking rigs, gravelling the carpark, painting etc.

GALLEY Should you wish to eat in the galley it helps those running it if you can order hot meals before 11am. If you don’t order these by 11am hot food is not guaranteed to be available when you want it! Snacks are available at all times the galley is open, and there are vending machines when not. You can also pre order hot food by messaging the galley using Facebook – so long as you do it in a timely fashion! You may also eat your own food in the galley if you prefer. Small lockers for valuables are available to rent for a nominal sum.

DUTIES As a member you are expected to do some “duties”. There is a duties system in place whereby club members are expected to undertake the jobs of running the safety boat and directing sailing races. Because most windsurfing members are unaware of the rules of sailing, the duty allocated to them is usually assistant safety boat, unless they have their Power Boat Level 2 certificate required to drive the safety boat. To register for a duty you can use the ‘DutyMan‘ section of the website, which has a separate login. All active club members are expected to do a minimum of two duties a year. Active dinghy race sailors are also asked to do an additional Wednesday evening duty if they take part in the Wednesday series. More details in the Duties section.

VALUABLES  There are lockers available for short or long term use for a small, returnable deposit.

CAMPING  Camping is allowed at the club on special occasions, such as family week and special racing events. There is no charge for club members. Tents and campervans are allowed but not caravans. There is limited grassy area for camping at the east end of the carpark. Please do not park campervans overnight alongside the windsurf rigging lawn. Camping is only permitted on the windsurf rigging area if the tent is removed during the day. More details.